Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Matthew 23

Sorry I got home late last night so this is my devo for last night :)!

Matthew 23:12
"For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted"

Humble: Put others above themselves (Latin root: humilius meaning low)

Exalt: Praise, glorify, honor, raise, heighten

Jesus came as a servant.  he washed his disciples feet, healed during sorrow, taught when he was tired, and gave at all costs.  His whole life was an act of being a servant.  In Phillippians 2 it says , "He made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant"  

the Pharisees on the other hand raised themselves up.  They wore nice clothing, treated people as if they were insignificant and unimportant.  Tried to catch Jesus in his words, told people how to act, and so much more.  They put everyone else on a pedistool below themselves.  

Jesus is sort of directing this comment towards them.  

If you are prideful and put everyone below yourself you WILL be humbled or taken off that.

I love how Jesus doesn't explain how or when.  But he makes it clear that even though some people are pompous and prideful now.  It won't go unnoticed by God.  he WILL take them off that chair and humble them, even if they don't want to.

Then on the other side is says those of you who put others above yourselve and act as a servant as Jesus did will be exalted or raised up and honored.

God does not forget and what matters here as well is intentions.  Often times in our services to others our intentions aren't straight.  We can make ourselves nothing for the sole reason to be glorified by those who see the good things we do.  This in itself is being prideful and is incorrect servant hood.  When we serve we must do it out of love and be in the right mindset willing to take the backseat without being glorified for the willingness.  

What mind frame do I have when I serve? 
Am I serving God or man when I do so?
In what ways can I humble myself this week?

I want to be a servant. I know you know that is a desire in my heart. I just pray that you would give me the mindset of a servant.  I pray that I would serve even when no one is around to see. I pray that I would humble myself to everyone in my life that they would see a reflection of you.  God I pray today as its muckfest that I would find a way to be a servant even there.

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