Sunday, March 20, 2011


Well, week 1 of spring break has come to a close and week 2 seems to be dominated by the idea of HOMEWORK :)! I'm glad I enjoy my classes!

This break has mostly consisted of time in Kansas thus far, with both of my nieces. We made the 14 hour trek home today (longer witha 7month old in the car) and to be honest most of it was quite delightful. I LOVE roadtrips.  It is focused time where I get to 1) spend in prayer (i drove at 3am while the others slept-GREAT God time always) 2) silence 3) listening to music 4) good discussion 5) and processing 6) and i did homework!

Yet on the way home, I was driving and low and behold if I don't see lights on the other side of the expressway.  I slow down, but assume the police is rushing to an accident.  But, as I speed by the lights flick off as I pass, and he immediately plowed through the grass median to a wide open expressway with no other cars but my own.  I knew I was stuck.
   Bad news is I got an 83$ ticket for going 10 over. Good news is he was a Christian guy, listening to K-love and was very pleasant to talk to. I forgot my license (minor detail..another bad news), BUT good news, they were able to find it in the system with no problem. I am thankful i had a NICE cop :)!

After that...Elyse decided she should drive.. :)

Pass by multiple hours, multiple stops and dropping off Jamie and Elyse...
18 over :(... 2 in one day and a not so happy check writing party. 


my VERY FIRST ticket :). 

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